
Welcome to the homepage for A.L. Phillips’ works of fiction!

Whether you’re a long-time reader or just stopping by, we’re glad you’re here, and we hope you find what you’re looking for.

Also be sure to check out the official A.L. Phillips facebook page, where you’ll find the latest news, updates and sneak peeks of Phillips’ fiction!



–Take a look at A.L. Phillips’ newest blog post, updated weekly!

–Check out A.L. Phillips’ new Q&A with INh magazine! “Unaligned: breaking stereotypes in literature and school

The Quest of the Unaligned has been featured on the Clean Indie Reads blog, including an author interview!

The Quest of the Unaligned has been featured by the American Sociological Association in its “Teaching/Learning Matters” official newsletter as a teaching resource!

The Quest of the Unaligned has a 4.8/5 star rating at Amazon.com! Head on over to read the reviews, to add your own, or to purchase a copy of The Quest of the Unaligned.

–Want a preview? Download a free excerpt from The Quest of the Unaligned!

–Check out a “flash fiction” short story set in the world of The Quest of the Unaligned,Forced Negotiations“!


